eWave TV began in 2012 with the creation of the first FAMILY FRIENDLY Online Multi-Channel TV network group for Indie TV & Film Producers and for anyone with Internet access to have FREE TV Programming by Ariel Media Group LLC.
The idea grew and networks grew. Some networks gained over 1.2 Million fans. Our producers and fans are our foundation, so we have added some AWESOME features with our new eWave TV site for both.
eWave TV is for all age groups. ALL of the productions "channels" on our network must be Family Friendly. Some of our networks are even produced by teens.
eWave TV wanted to incorporate our fans into the experience, so we have created the first Social Media Online Multi-channel TV Network Group that offers all their services and features for FREE. Fans can watch or listen to all of eWave TV's: TV & Radio programs, like them, rate them and pin their favorites to watch or listen...over and over again. They can create groups, chat, forums, polls and fans can have their own blogs & stores for FREE. They can also share their favorite's to other social media sites automatically from our site.
For Indie TV: Radio: Music & Film Producers: eWave TV offers a platform where you can download your videos or audio: "shows" onto your own "channel" that you can put into an eWave TV "category" which is our Networks. You can promote it in your own eWave TV blog, create groups, chat, forums, polls and you get a store to sell any products, all for FREE.
Many ask, how can eWave TV do all this for free?
We also offer advertising. Our huge video platform offers video advertising. We also have products and services that advertise with us just like they do on regular TV & Radio networks. Plus...If you want to promote your video on our site we have several pacakges. Just click on Advertising on our home page.
Also, while your store set up is free and does not cost you anything to have, eWave TV makes 10% off of each sale. Example if you sell something for $10 eWave TV gets $1. (read our terms & conditions for more information)
eWave TV is for the millions of Indie Producers who have amazing productions that need to be seen & recognized for their work and their fans who want FREE programming.
eWave TV gives Indie Producers a platform to start creating an income from their work with sponsors as they own 100% of their shows and can have any content sponsors in their videos. They can also create an income from their stores selling DVD's, T-shirts and more. (eWave TV does not solicit sponsors for any programs)
eWave TV will also be the first to have eWave TV Webbie Awards. Every January, a show will be chosen by eWave TV fans and the productions will receive a webbie award. So Top Producers can be recognized by their fans and peers for excellence in their field.
eWave TV is FREE TV for ALL to SEE, by INDIE's who deserve recognition and an audience.